Saturday, February 20, 2010

Staff Safety

This morning one of our Officers was followed home by someone well known to us. As a result of his awareness, this individual was immediately apprehended and charged.

Staff are reminded to exercise extreme vigilance coming and going to work. It is of utmost importance, that should you be followed to NOT go home and to call 911. Identify yourself and follow Police direction. Contact Union and Management ASAP.

Your safety, and that of your family is of utmost importance. Please check your home email for further information.

An emergency membership meeting will soon be called to address some ongoing safety issues.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

GSB Decision

GSB Decision ASMPP

[1] The Union filed a number of grievances, on behalf of its members, dealing with the Attendance Support and Management Pilot Program. Given the number of grievances, and the importance of resolving this matter as expeditiously as possible, the parties agreed on an expedited process to deal with the grievances. Essentially, it was agreed that the parties would provide me with whatever materials they considered relevant, and would then make submissions on the matter. I was asked to, after considering the materials, as well as the submissions. issue a bottom line decision, without reasons. I was requested, as well, to issue the decision in point form, for ease of understanding based on the parties submissions. After considering the submissions of the parties, as well as the documents submitted, I hereby make the following Orders:

1. The Attendance and Support Management Office of the Ministry of Government Services shall exercise reasonable discretion to deal with nonculpable absenteeism on a case-by-case basis at progression through levels of the program.

2. The Employer shall give proper consideration of implications arising under the Ontario Human Rights Code and preclude the consideration of absences that flow from a Disability as defined by the Code.

3. The Employer shall preclude the consideration of WSIB absences in making any determination at Level 4 of the ASMPP.

4. In the event of a declared pandemic by the World Health Organization or the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health, the Employer will consider whether to suspend the ASMPP, and notify OPSEU of their decision.

5. The Parties shall meet to negotiate a dispute resolution process to deal with
grievances arising out of the ASMPP.

6. All of the grievances identified in Appendix A are hereby dismissed.

Dated at Toronto this 5th day of February 2010.

Brian M. Keller, Vice-Chair

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2% Bonus.

As you are aware, the 2009 absenteeism target has been achieved.

As a result, lump sum incentive payments will be issued in accordance with the language set out in Appendix COR7, paragraph 5a(i) of the Correctional Bargaining Unit Collective Agreement.
The target incentive payments will be calculated at two (2) per cent of an employee's straight time salary for hours worked from March 12, 2009 (ratification date of OPSEU Correctional Bargaining Unit Collective Agreement) to December 31, 2009. As the incentive payment calculation is based on hours worked during this time period, it does not include paid or unpaid leaves (including sick leave). However, overtime hours worked during this period will be included the incentive payment calculation. For example, one hour of overtime worked will represent one hour worked for the purposes of calculating the target incentive payment. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact your manager. Congratulations on the achievement of the 2009 absenteeism target.
David Logan
Assistant Deputy Minister,
Employee Relations Division, HROntario
Ministry of Government Services